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The Next Church Conference

Tuesday December 5, 2023 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

(Please login prior to 7:00 so that we can experience a complete agenda without rushing God’s anointed work.)

To join us on ZOOM - Click Here


Zoom Meeting In Dial Number: 646 558 8656

Meeting ID: 811 2619 4728

Passcode: 204555


Presiding: Rev. Alfred W. Jones, III, Pastor

Opening Song



Holy Conferencing

Requests To be placed On The Agenda

Board of Christian Education and Formation


District Meetings

Budget Development Forms For Conference Year

Special Voting (Paint and Loan Repayment Restructuring)

Faith Partner


Online Church and Quarterly Conference Report Forms

Women’s Missionary Society

Thoughtful Donations (Items)

Pest Control

Sacred Worship Space

Use of Worship Space from other churches

New Sign

Pastor’s Office

Trustee Board Members & Processes

Steward Board Members and Reports

Young Adult Real Talk Podcasts

Dance Ministry (Intergenerational)

Blessings From The People

Visitation and Homecare

Hybrid Worship


Calendar Review


Social Media Ministry Introduction/Discussion

Young Adult Relevant Podcasts and Real Talk Ministries Introduction/Discussion

Safe Space Introduction


Prayer Ministry

Church Property Use and Guidelines


Budget Review

Member Engagement

Preachers and Ministries

Ministry Next Steps

Annual Conference Conference Awareness

Closing Prayer


What God Expects of Us

As God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly … And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him (Colossians 3:12-16a,17).

This is exciting doing the necessary: leadership; business; taking administrative actions; accountability; strategic tactical, and operational direction; and ministry with the Holy Spirit very present and in action!

  • Every person is a child of God. Always speak respectfully. One can disagree without being disagreeable.

  • As you patiently listen and observe the behavior of others, be open to the possibility that God can change the views of any or all parties in the discussion.

  • Listen patiently before formulating responses.

  • Thrive to understand the experience out of which others have arrived at their views.

  • Be careful in how you express personal offense at differing opinions. Otherwise dialogue may be inhibited.

  • Accurately reflect the views of others when speaking. This is especially important when you disagree with a position.

  • Avoid using inflammatory words, derogatory names, or an excited and angry voice.

  • Avoid making generalizations about individuals and groups. Make your point with specific evidence and examples.

  • Make use of facilitators and mediators.

  • Remember that people are defined, ultimately, by their relationship with God -- not by the flaws we discover, or think we discover, in their views and actions.

We believe Christians can discuss important issues without the acrimonious debate and parliamentary maneuvering that can divide a group into contending factions. We see too many examples of that in secular society. We believe the Holy Spirit leads in all things, especially as we make decisions. We want to avoid making decisions in a fashion that leaves some feeling like winners and others like losers. This is exciting doing the necessary: leadership; business; taking administrative actions; accountability; strategic tactical, and operational direction; and ministry with the Holy Spirit very present and in action!

We can change the world through honest conversation on matters about which we are passionate.

Every person is a child of God. Always speak respectfully. One can disagree without being disagreeable.

  • As you patiently listen and observe the behavior of others, be open to the possibility that God can change the views of any or all parties in the discussion.

  • Listen patiently before formulating responses.

  • Thrive to understand the experience out of which others have arrived at their views.

  • Be careful in how you express personal offense at differing opinions. Otherwise dialogue may be inhibited.

  • Accurately reflect the views of others when speaking. This is especially important when you disagree with a position.

  • Avoid using inflammatory words, derogatory names, or an excited and angry voice.

  • Avoid making generalizations about individuals and groups. Make your point with specific evidence and examples.

  • Make use of facilitators and mediators.

  • Remember that people are defined, ultimately, by their relationship with God -- not by the flaws we discover, or think we discover, in their views and actions.

We believe Christians can discuss important issues without the acrimonious debate and parliamentary maneuvering that can divide a group into contending factions. We see too many examples of that in secular society. We believe the Holy Spirit leads in all things, especially as we make decisions. We want to avoid making decisions in a fashion that leaves some feeling like winners and others like losers. This is exciting doing the necessary: leadership; business; taking administrative actions; accountability; strategic tactical, and operational direction; and ministry with the Holy Spirit very present and in action!

We can change the world through honest conversation on matters about which we are passionate.


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